Current Tenant Information

Artspace properties are managed by EMG Management

For maintenance and property concerns during business hours contact EMG Management at 801.364.1019.

Management office for Artspace Rubber CompanyArtspace Bridge ProjectsArtspace City Center, and Artspace Macaroni Flats

511 West 200 South, Suite #140
Salt Lake City, UT 84101
801.364.5131 fax
Email us

Management office for Artspace CommonsArtspace Solar Gardens, and Artspace Greenery.

824 South 400 West, #B132
Salt Lake City, UT, 84101
801.364.1019, option 2
801.364.5131 fax
Email us

In case of emergency (fire, crime occuring, car accident with injury, medical emergency) call 911

  • After Hours Emergency Maintenance Number: 801.637.4492
  • Police Non-Emergency Dispatch: 801.799.3000
  • Legacy Towing: 801.685.2569

For additional assistance, contact EMG Management (including discussing on-site property management concerns).

EMG Management 
801.363.2276 fax
Email EMG

Residential tenant online payment portal. Please contact EMG with any questions. Fees may apply.